INT8 on Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>The Tachyum team tested and verified vector operations, 8-bit integer matrix operations for image classification using a Resnet model with custom convolution and linear operators on Prodigy. Among Prodigy’s vector and matrix features are support for a range of data types (FP64, FP32, TF32, BF16, Int8, FP8, FP4 and TAI); 2x1024-bit vector units per core; AI sparsity and super-sparsity support; and no penalty for misaligned vector loads or stores when crossing cache lines.
Tachyum Demonstrates Hardware Running AutoFDO Optimization Flow
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum demonstrates enhanced hardware-assisted sampling running on its Prodigy® Universal Processor FPGA Emulation System, marking a breakthrough in the application of advanced compiler optimizations.
64KB Pages on FPGA. Stress-NG Application Demo Running on FPGA.
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum successfully achieved the desired performance and stability of the Linux operating system and applications running as part of QEMU emulations and will expand all testing and optimization processes of its Prodigy® software distribution to 64KB page size on the FPGA prototype.
Tachyum Successfully Tests BF16 on Prodigy FPGA Hardware
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum successfully tested and verified BF16 operational on its Prodigy FPGA, ensuring increased throughput for users’ high-performance processing needs.
Tachyum Demonstrates Instruction Profiling Unit on Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum enabled an Instruction Profiling Unit (IPU), a low overhead way to collect the profile of non-instrumented executed code, to its Prodigy Universal Processor. IPU is used by hyperscalers to profile applications in production execution and recompile code to gain better performance.
Tachyum Demonstrates Linux and Applications with 64KB Page Size
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum has moved to 64KB page size as the default of its Prodigy software distribution, a completely integrated software stack and package, which is now available to early adopters and customers as a pre-installed image as part of the beta phase of testing.
Tachyum Demonstrates Full BF16 AI Support in GCC and PyTorch
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum successfully integrated the BF16 data type into its Prodigy compiler and software distribution, which is now available to early adopters and customers as a pre-installed image as part of beta testing.
Tachyum Adds RAID 1 Capabilities to Prodigy
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum has advanced the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) to beta and has added RAID 1 capabilities. These latest improvements are a further indication that Tachyum’s Prodigy hardware continues to mature through its development stages prior to its public release.
Tachyum Adds Watchdog Timers to Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum has added a watchdog timer to its Prodigy FPGA emulation system to help detect and recovery from device or system malfunction. The mechanism facilitates automatic correction of temporary hardware faults and prevents errant or malevolent software from disrupting system operations.
Open Sourcing of Prodigy Software
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum is testing Git access to its software repositories. This latest advancement is part of the company’s continued commitment to releasing all open-source software in order to provide customers and partners with an easy, straightforward platform for early Prodigy testing ahead of silicon availability while reducing support requirements.
FPGA Hardware Debugger
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum has completed testing of full-fledged hardware debugging features of the FPGA prototype of its Prodigy® Universal Processor. This latest capability has undergone testing with GNU Debugger (gdb), a widely used Linux tool for debugging software, to ensure successful operations and is a key component of Progigy’s continued march towards production.
Machine Check and Recovery on Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum added Machine Check and Recovery (MCR) capabilities with the Linux Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) subsystem to the Prodigy® Universal Processor with successful deployment demonstrated as part of the FPGA emulation system.
PMU Running on Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum added a Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) to its Prodigy FPGA emulation system, empowering customers and partners with the ability to address bottlenecks and better optimize Prodigy performance for all applications and workloads.
Tachyum Runs Supercomputing Vector LINPACK on Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum has successfully completed vector-based High-Performance LINPACK (HPL) testing using 1kb vectors on the Prodigy FPGA.
LINPACK, a widely used benchmarking program for supercomputers, measures a system’s floating-point computing power by solving a random, dense system of linear equations to determine performance and accuracy. Following scalar LINPACK benchmarks using Prodigy’s IEEE-compliant scalar Floating-Point Unit (FPU), Tachyum has now advanced to vector LINPACK.
Prodigy Software Distribution Package
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>The Prodigy software distribution is a completely integrated software stack and package that is ready for deployment “as is.” It is available as a single pre-installed image for Tachyum’s early adopters and customers. Applications have been tested to work out of the box so that customers can immediately start using the reference design. If users encounter any issues during deployment, the software can be quickly and easily restored to its original image.
Tachyum Runs FreeBSD on Prodigy FPGA Prototype
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>FreeBSD operating system is now running on the Tachyum’s Prodigy® FPGA prototype as part of efforts to ensure that customer requirements are met prior to tape-out of the world’s first universal processor.
FreeBSD powers modern servers, desktops and embedded platforms in environments that value performance, stability and security. It is the platform of choice for many of the busiest websites and the most pervasive embedded networking and storage devices.
Tachyum Runs x86-64 Binaries on Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum has successfully demonstrated a seamless execution of a non-native (x86_64) application under Linux running on the Prodigy FPGA emulation system. This capability will ensure the availability of a wide range of software applications to customers from day one, when the Prodigy Universal Processor becomes generally available next year.
LLVM Ported to Tachyum Architecture
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>LLVM is the latest addition to an already rich and robust collection of applications, system software, frameworks and libraries running under QEMU emulation and tested by FPGA emulation in advance of Prodigy chip production.
Tachyum Demonstrates Support for Xen Hypervisor
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum has completed porting of all the software necessary for chip validation on the Prodigy FPGA prototype before it is sent for tape out with the successful running of the Xen hypervisor on a QEMU software emulator.
BMC & UEFI Integration on Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Following porting and demonstrating standalone applications, Tachyum is progressing to full software distribution. It completed integration of BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) and UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) platforms and now it entered beta version. These firmware packages are now functional and integrated into the Prodigy FPGA prototype system.
IEEE Compliant Floating Point Unit
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Prodigy’s design was verified with the most recent version of the industry-standard Berkeley TestFloat, a widely used test for supercomputers that checks the fundamental soundness of a floating-point implementation against the standard Berkeley SoftFloat, testing all modes and special cases of the IEEE Standard.
Applications Regressions Running on Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum has achieved another milestone on the road to commercialization of Prodigy, the world’s first Universal Processor, as it begins testing key applications on Prodigy FPGA prototypes.
Having recently completed the porting and testing necessary for system-software like UEFI, BMC, bootloader, and operating systems through the toolchains, Tachyum has now completed porting of other applications to test a wide range of workloads on the FPGA prototype.
Tachyum 接待斯洛伐克總統並展示Prodigy®神童創新
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>斯洛伐克總統 Zuzana Çaputová 參觀了 Tachyum 在布拉迪斯拉發的辦公室,親眼目睹了處於開發最後階段的 Prodigy® 神童處理器的進展。查普托瓦總統會見了 Tachyum 創辦人兼首席執行官 Radoslav Danilak 和工程師團隊,討論了創新、綠色經濟、永續性和吸引頂尖區域人才等話題。
Kubernetes 在Prodigy® 神童 ISA 上原生執行
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum 的軟體團隊使用 K3s 伺服器部署了其Prodigy® 神童模擬器,這是一個非常適合測試的輕量級 Kubernetes 發行版;兩個代理;NGINX,一個用於HTTP,HTTPS,SMTP,POP3和IMAP協議的開源反向代理伺服器,以及負載均衡器,HTTP緩存和WEB伺服器。
UEFI 在 Prodigy FPGA 上原生運行
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum已成功展示了在Prodigy® 神童現場可程式化邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)硬體模擬系統上運行的統一可擴展固件接口(UEFI),代表了該公司測試策略的關鍵部分,並確保Tachyum的神童硬體在今年晚些時候將會按部就班並成熟地投入生產。
在世界上第一個通用處理器Prodigy® 神童上執行的 Ceph 客戶端的影片演示。
Tachyum 成功在符合 IEEE 754-2019 標準的 FPU 的 FPGA 上執行 LINPACK
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>向量單元包括 16 個浮點單元 (FPU) 的副本以及額外的洗牌和歸約操作。雖然在向量單元中有許多指令需要測試,但浮點向量運算是向量單元中最難的部分,而這部分現在已經成功使用於 Tachyum 的產品開發團隊。LINPACK 透過求解密集的線性方程組來測量系統的浮點運算能力以確定效能。它是超級電腦廣泛使用的基準,包括 NSCC 斯洛伐克超級電腦。
Tachyum在Prodigy® 神童模擬器上成功執行Docker。
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum的軟體團隊已經成功地在其Prodigy® 神童模擬器上執行了Go編程語言(Golang)下的原生Docker。 這項成功是原生 Tachyum 基礎設施軟體堆疊的另一個關鍵部分,有助於最終實現公司的通用運算中心願景,即基於統一和通用處理器來統一雲端、超級電腦、人工智慧和服務。
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>通過 Tachyum 的扁平化網絡功能實現的效能里程碑之一是透過RoCE 在在伺服器之間實現 186 Gbps 的網絡頻寬。 此外,帶寬將在 2025 年增加到每通道 224 Gbps,並在不久的將來使用 OSFP-XD 在 2U 交換中提供 1024 通道。
Tachyum 執行原生安全性增強的 Linux 以確保保護關鍵基礎設施
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum的Prodigy®神童是世界上第一個通用處理器,成功執行了Security-Enhanced Linux(SELinux),這是Linux系統的安全架構,允許管理員更好地控制誰可以存取系統。 Tachyum軟體團隊的最新成功有助於滿足其許多關鍵市場的客戶需求。
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum展示了其核心軟體堆疊的最後一部分,其底板管理控制器(BMC)執行在Prodigy®神童上,這是第一個通用處理器、模擬系統。這一里程碑使公司能夠為OEM/ODM和系統整合商提供完整的軟體和韌體堆疊,並作為即將推出的Tachyum Prodigy® 神童四個插槽參考設計的關鍵組件。
神童通用處理器的品質保證 (QA) 測試
Tachyum 新聞稿<no value>Tachyum 已經執行了數十億個測試週期,以確保 Prodigy FPGA 硬體模擬器的穩定性。現在,在品質保證階段,它將執行數萬億甚至萬億的測試週期,以在產品送交製造(下線)前證明可靠性。 QA流程涵蓋組件測試、整合測試、回歸測試和效能測試。
Tachyum Prodigy® 神童 FPGA 在 Linux 互動模式下運行應用程式
Tachyum 已經在Prodigy® 神童 FPGA 硬體上以 Linux 互動模式運行應用程序,並配備 SMP(對稱多處理)Linux 以及在其Prodigy® 神童通用處理器的現場可編程閘陣列 (FPGA) 原型上啟用的浮點單元。 在本影片中,我們簡要地示範了 FPGA 硬體,然後再進行典型使用者工作階段的示範。我們執行基本命令來處理檔案系統、進程、權限、列印有關體系結構、啟動順序和終端的資訊。最後,我們演示了透過執行 linpack 來運行應用程式的能力。
演示:軟體更新 - 2022 年 3 月
Tachyum 軟體團隊在 Tachyum 不斷擴展的軟體生態系統中達到了一個巨大的里程碑,將 FreeBSD 移植到 Prodigy®神童通用處理器。對 FreeBSD 的支持是滿足我們廣泛的客戶需求的關鍵。 我們的影片介紹了 FreeBSD 在其他操作系統的上下文中, 說明了 FreeBSD 的特性, 這些特性使它成為資料中心應用程式的有力候選者, 並討論了移植所需的有趣和具有挑戰性的開發流程。我們在Prodigy®神童環境中執行的 FreeBSD 演示展示了使用簡單網站伺服器的工作網絡接口,以及使用 kyua 測試框架執行的 FreeBSD 開發測試。
演示:軟體團隊更新 - 2022 年 2 月
KVM 虛擬化演示 Tachyum神童能夠在Prodigy®神童指令集上執行虛擬機。 Tachyum軟體團隊已經實現了對KVM(Linux核心)管理程式的支援。對於未來的客戶來說,這是Tachyum Prodigy® 神童軟體生態系統為未來客戶邁出的一大步。 Tachyum將從第一天開始虛擬化。
演示:軟體團隊更新 - 2022 年 1 月
UEFI, Linux Kernel, QEMU, and GCC.
由Tachyum的Prodigy® 神童提供支持的人腦規模人工智慧的全球首發。
人類歷史上第一台超過人腦速度和容量的機器 人工智慧更快、更可持續的計算速度對於人類生活各個方面的進步至關重要:更快的藥物發現和疫苗開發、氣候變化影響評估、天氣預報、個性化醫療等等。
Tachyum在ITAPA 2021國際研討會上
觀看 Tachyum 在 ITAPA 2021 國際研討會上的演講亮點。
Prodigy®神童模擬生態系統在 ITAPA 2021 國際大會的展示
觀看 Tachyum 的開發人員之一 Martin 在斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉發舉行的 ITAPA 2021 國際大會的 Tachyum 展位上向一位與會者展示Prodigy®神童模擬系統。 影片是斯洛伐克語,請務必打開字幕。
ITAPA 2021 國際研討會上的軟體模擬演示
模擬入口網站使我們的合作夥伴能夠存取在 Tachyum Prodigy®神童架構以及 在FPGA 原型上運行的虛擬機器。這樣他們就可以測試他們正在使用的工具的兼容性,或向我們的軟體團隊尋求移植這些程式的幫助。
Tachyum 在Prodigy®神童FPGA 上啟動 Linux
觀看Prodigy®神童通用處理器現場可編程門陣列 (FPGA) 原型上的 Linux 啟動過程。
ISC 2021 錄製演示
錄製了Tachyum的Prodigy® 神童通用處理器的演示,總結了處理器功能、資料中心和全球層面的優勢,以及個案研究,包括即將部署的NSCC斯洛伐克超級電腦。
Tachyum FPGA在全球安全論壇
Tachyum在布拉迪斯拉發舉行的2021全球安全論壇上發表基於Tachyum Prodigy® 神童FPGA的模擬器
影片演示和投影片:高效能運算用戶論壇上的 Tachyum
查看PDFTachyum首席執行官Radoslav Danilak博士在HPC用戶論壇上發表演講。
影片演示:Tachyum在DIA CIO
演示:UEFI Prodigy®神童演示 - 統一可擴展固件接口
Prodigy® 神童的UEFI演示
演示:Apache Tomcat 和 Prodigy 上的軟體除錯
Apache Tomcat 和軟體除錯
演示:Tachyum Prodigy®神童原生人工智慧支持 TensorFlow 和 PyTorch
演示:Tachyum 示範顯示Prodigy®神童將比 NVIDIA 和 Intel 晶片更快
Prodigy® 神童 正確且快速地執行指令
演示:Tachyum Prodigy® 神童正在執行 x86、ARM 和 RISC-V 二進位檔案 (1)
演示:Tachyum Prodigy®神童正在執行 x86、ARM 和 RISC-V 二進位檔案 (2)
演示:Tachyum Prodigy®神童正在執行 x86、ARM 和 RISC-V 二進位檔案 (3)
在Prodigy® 神童模擬器上執行由 x86 和原生二進位檔案組合構建的 Web 伺服器