- | PChome
斯洛伐克代表團再度來臺交流 臺斯經貿關係持續升溫
繼2021年斯洛伐克時任經濟部次長佳雷克(Karol Galek)率領官方及企業團訪臺後,今年再度由該國經濟部政務次長史維茲(Peter Svec)率領訪問團來臺,臺斯經貿關係持續升溫。經濟部國際貿易局與外貿協會特別為這次的訪團精心安排了一場「臺斯經貿合作洽談會」,共協助10家斯洛伐克業者及產業公協會尋找在臺潛在合作夥伴,產業主要集中在資通訊(工業電腦、IC設計)及綠能(智慧垃圾處理系統、太陽能農具),另也安排相關產業公協會在現場進行交流,統計共有29家我商與斯商進行38場次一對一洽談,預期促成 2,525萬美元商機,成果豐碩!
- | Design & Reuse
Tachyum在Prodigy 2神童2中使用UCIe互連的標準
Tachyum™ 今天宣布加強其在通用小芯片互連高速(UCIe)組織中的地位,該組織開發和支持小芯片生態系統和封裝內創新。 UCIe社區促進了半導體、封裝、IP供應商、代工廠和雲服務領域領導者之間的合作。
- | ITEuropa
Tachyum extends chip sales business to CEE region
Tachyum is partnering with M Computers, an IT services provider based in the Czech Republic, to bring its Prodigy high-capacity data processing technology to commercial, industrial and scientific research organisations in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
- | aithority.com
Tachyum Advances System Software To Pre-Production State
“These improvements will allow for quick and seamless integration of technologies into Tachyum-based environments when deployed in data centers. As we near volume production of Prodigy, it is imperative that our software provides the tools supercomputers require to transform the industry.”
- | TechRadar
Tachyum says it's one step closer to Prodigy release
Built using field-programmable gate array (FPGA) emulation boards, Tachyum has been hailing Prodigy’s significantly improved performance and lower lower energy consumption for the past few years.
- | EE Journal
Are We Ready for Human Brain-Scale AI?
Targeted at hyperscale data centers, the Prodigy Universal Processor architecture is predicted to out-perform central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), and tensor processing units (TPUs) for data center, artificial intelligence (AI), and high-performance computing (HPC) applications. For example, Prodigy will outperform NVIDIA’s fastest GPU in HPC, as well as AI training and inference tasks (125 HPC Prodigy racks can deliver 32 tensor EXAFLOPS).
- | Business Talk Magazine
Meet Dr. Radoslav Danilak- The Man Behind Tachyum
Prodigy’s intense computing muscle can help AI use cases in particular. Convolutional neural networks, deep learning AI, symbolic AI, general AI, and bio AI are the disciplines that have emerged in recent years, each with its own set of algorithms and computing criteria. Human brain modeling, meanwhile, is in high demand by R&D ventures due to its promise of extracting information from large data sets. The Tachyum Universal Processor Platform is suitable for projects like the real-time Human Brain Project, which needs more than 1019 Flops (10,000,000,000,000,000,000 floating-point operations per second – 10 exaflops), as well as supplying computing resources for science and engineering solutions that today’s systems cannot offer.
- | The Washington Times
Revolutionary microchip hailed as 'generational' breakthrough that will upend defense tech
Revolutionary microchip hailed as ‘generational’ breakthrough that will upend defense tech