When Silicon Valley is mentioned, everyone instantly imagines a unique area in California with the most prestigious technology companies, where the best talent in the world work on technological innovations. It is a hotspot that the whole world knows.
Could you imagine such a technological hub with a similar reputation in Europe or even in Slovakia? It sounds like science fiction, but the key to success could be the world’s fastest AI supercomputer that Slovakia intends to build.
斯洛伐克的經濟聞名於世,主要是因為它的汽車製造業。為了多樣化和加強斯洛伐克經濟發展,從製造業經濟向知識經濟轉型至關重要。 Tachyum的半導體研發及其產品開發可能是實現這一轉變的重要因素。台灣代表團成員證實了這一點,他們最近於3月下旬訪問了位於布拉迪斯拉發的Tachyum辦事处。
- | 通過 Radoslav Danilak博士
What’s next? Human brain-scale AI Human brain-scale computing is now looming on the horizon, and it could change your life more than electricity.
Funded by the Slovakian government using funds allocated by the EU, the I4DI consortium is behind the initiative to build a 64 AI exaflop machine (that’s 64 billion, billion AI operations per second) on our platform by the end of 2022. This will enable Slovakia and the EU to deliver for the first time in the history of humanity, a human brain-scale AI supercomputer. Meanwhile, almost a dozen other countries are watching this project closely, with interest in replicating this supercomputer in their own countries.
Tachyum was a highlight among exhibits at Expo Dubai with the world premiere of its Human Brain-Scale AI presentation, powered by its Prodigy Universal Processor.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Tachyum hosted the event featuring an in-depth discussion on the importance of AI and supercomputers, which will reach human brain-scale AI in 2022. Prominent guests included Ingrid Brockova, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Radoslav Danilak, Founder and CEO Tachyum; and Steve Furber, ICL Professor of Computer Engineering at The University of Manchester, who was recently awarded the Charles Stark Draper Prize for contributions to the invention, development, and implementation of reduced instruction set computer (RISC) chips. The debate was moderated by Tarek Jundi, Founder and CEO MindMover.