
Tachyum Prodigy®神童将CPU、GPGPU和TPU的功能整合到同构架构中,提供尖端性能,提供尖端的效能、能耗、服务器利用率和空间效率,以满足AI、HPC和超大规模数据中心不断增长的需求。


    Tachyum Prodigy® 神童系列 产品SKU汇总

    Tachyum’s Prodigy Series of Universal Processors is the first processor architecture that combines General Purpose Computing, High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Machine Learning, Explainable AI, Bio AI, and other AI disciplines within a single chip. It allows for a simple programming model and environment based on a coherent multiprocessor architecture.

    The Prodigy Series includes multiple SKUs with the top-end SKU integrating 256 high-performance, 64-bit cores, 16 DDR5 memory controllers running up to DDR5-7200, and 96 lanes of PCIe 5.0. The Prodigy Series SKUs are designed to address a wide range of applications that include exascale supercomputing, HPC, big AI, cloud/hyperscale, data analytics, big data, databases, and storage.


    浏览Tachyum的 产品手册

    Tachyum is developing the industry’s first universal processor, AI, and supercomputing chip – Prodigy.

    Prodigy has up to 18x higher performance and up to 6x better performance per watt than its competition.

    Prodigy solves key issues plaguing today’s data centers, including high power consumption, low server utilization, and the processor performance plateau that is limiting performance.

    抢先体验Prodigy®神童 客户和合作伙伴入口网站可透过浏览器进行Prodigy®神童评估

    客户和合作伙伴可以轻松方便地存取和授权使用在Prodigy®神童强大的模拟系统上执行原生Linux的虚拟机软件。 Prodigy®神童的模拟平台提供范围广泛的丰富功能,以促进测试和评估。 应用程式开发所需的所有构建工具,最常用于应用程式开发的函式库, 标准实用程式套件,一组更大的应用程式,包括 Apache、MariaDB、MongoDB、Perl、PHP、Python、Pytorch和Tensorflow,Prodigy®神童的x86二进位转换允许客户无需修改即可运行其现有的x86应用程式。 Tachyum方便且强大的入口网站允许客户和合作伙伴开发、测试和评估各种Prodigy®神童的功能以及在Prodigy®神童指令集架构上本原生运行的关键应用程式。

    Tachyum Prodigy Reference Designs

    • Tachyum Prodigy ATX Evaluation Platform/ Reference Design

      Tachyum Prodigy ATX Evaluation Platform / Reference Design

    • Tachyum Prodigy 1U Evaluation Platform/ Reference Design

      Tachyum Prodigy 1U Evaluation Platform / Reference Design

    • Tachyum Prodigy 2U Evaluation Platform/ Reference Design

      Tachyum Prodigy 2U Evaluation Platform / Reference Design

    As a silicon company, Tachyum’s platform strategy includes offering evaluation platforms for early evaluation and testing for customers and partners and allowing the evaluation platforms to be utilized as enablers for OEMs and ODMs to leverage to design production platforms.

    In order to streamline our entry into the market we have chosen Chenbro as our chassis partner for the Prodigy evaluation platforms. Chenbro’s standard chassis products provide solutions for both 1U and 2U which address Prodigy’s high-performance requirements, allowing Tachyum to focus on the device and motherboard development while using off-the-shelf chassis for the Prodigy evaluation platforms.

    • Tachyum Prodigy®神童 以FPGA为基础的模拟器

      客户将能够使用Prodigy®神童的全功能FPGA模拟器进行产品评估,性能测量以及软件开发,调试和兼容性测试。硬件模拟器由通过机架中的电缆连接的多个FPGA和I/O板组成。具有4个FPGA的单板可模拟8个完整的处理器核心心,其中包括向量和矩阵定点和浮点处理单元。 客户和合作伙伴可以通过 联系我们 订购FPGA的原型。

    • Tachyum Prodigy®神童 软件模拟系统

      客户和合作伙伴可以使用Prodigy®神童的软件模拟进行评估,开发和除错,并以此开始对要求高性能和低功耗的现有应用进行转换到Prodigy神童处理器上进行最佳运作。预先构建的系统包括Prodigy®神童模拟器,原生Linux、工具链、编译器、使用者模式应用程式、x86、ARM和RISC-V模拟器。 客户和合作伙伴可以在 联系我们 订购Tachyum模拟系统并获得支援。

    • TPU®(Tachyum处理单元) Tachyum Prodigy®神童物联网/边缘可授权硬件IP

      随着AI芯片组边缘推理市场的快速增长,Tachyum™TPU(Tachyum处理单元)的定位是将基于Tachyum Prodigy®神童训练的独特价值主张扩展到其TPU® AI推理引擎,作为可授权的核心心。这将使物联网和边缘开发人员充分利用Tachyum Prodigy®神童数据中心训练过的的AI来通过TPU® IP使物联网/边缘设备智能化。

    • TDIMM™

      The Tachyum DDR5 DIMM (TDIMM™) is a high-performance memory module. Built on Tachyum’s patented technology, this module delivers exceptional speed, efficiency, and reliability for next-generation computing systems.

      The Tachyum DDR5 TDIMM™ is the ideal choice for organizations seeking cutting-edge memory technology to power next-generation computing environments.

      TDIMM™ specifications are available under NDA.

    • Tachyum Software Distribution Package

      Prodigy® software distribution, a completely integrated software stack and package is now available to selected early adopters and customers as a pre-installed image as part of the release candidate (RC1) phase of testing.

      Applications included in the RC1 version of the distribution package have been tested to work straight out of the box so that customers and partners can immediately begin using the Prodigy reference design. Additionally, users can effortlessly restore to the original image in case any issues arise during the RC1 testing phase.