Prodigy’s strategic value to national defense virtually spans the entire gamut of the DoD and Intelligence community’s missions and systems. In most use cases, its impact is very high. Prodigy’s unprecedented universal compute capabilities and its cost and energy efficiency in data center, AI, HPC, and telecommunications use cases are directly transferrable to defense and intelligence systems.
Prodigy will proliferate low latency compute, Big AI and unprecedented HPC capabilities throughout departments, agencies, programs and units. Within the command & control infrastructure, the ability of Prodigy-powered servers to be seamlessly and dynamically diverted from normal workloads to AI processing, will deliver high performance, low latency AI to operational units.
In addition to performance, size, weight, and power (SWAP) are the hallmarks of good defense systems. As an example; Prodigy will provide our drone force and our satellites with >10x the onboard processing power (MIPS/Watt) compared to current baseline systems, and it will enable onboard Big AI to be efficiently exploited without an increase in power consumption.