Demos and Presentations
Tachyum engineering teams are working hard to bring Prodigy to market. You can see the progress we are making in our development updates and demo videos.
Experts from Tachyum have spoken about various topics such as artificial intelligence or high-performance computing on stages all around the world. You can watch the recordings of these presentations all in one place.
INT8 on Prodigy FPGA
Tachyum AI University
Tachyum engineers and experts give lectures at various universities, and speak at technology conferences and other international events, on the impact of new technologies, and the newest trends in high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
However, one does not have to be a university student or visit these events to get access to these lectures. We will put together the most interesting videos and place them on our website so anybody can watch them.
Data Analytics Meetings
Экосистема программного обеспечения
Our software engineers are working hard to enable the full potential of the Tachyum Prodigy® Universal Processor from day one with a rich ecosystem of applications, system software, and frameworks and libraries that are ported to run natively on Prodigy.
Furthermore, the Prodigy ecosystem is continuing to grow with an exciting roadmap that is constantly adding new software.
In addition, Prodigy is able to run binaries for x86, Arm, and RISC-V, enabling quick, easy, out-of-the-box testing and evaluation for customers and partners using their existing ISA before running their applications natively on Prodigy.