Posts from 2021

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    1. Tachyum Emulation portal

      During development of a new processor, close cooperation of architects, hardware, software, and verification teams is necessary. Architects are responsible for the design of the chip, its instruction set, fetching and evaluation process of each instruction, cooperation, and data exchange between CPU cores and between the entire CPU in a multi-socket configuration. Many more of their activities define overall properties, performance, and the processor’s ability to communicate with external peripherals.

    2. Self-driving cars have become a reality, with Tesla in the lead by far. With their cars collecting millions of miles daily, it would take many years for EU vendors to catch up. However, Tachyum technology, which could be 10 times faster than Tesla, empowers EU to not only catch up but exceed that number in 2-3 years.

      Why is this important? What are the benefits to drivers and passengers?

      Let’s look at history that shows that driving cars goes hand in hand with accidents. There are passive and active components to protect passengers in cars with passive ones focused on minimizing accident impact. These include seat belts, air bags and more. Active ones are designed to prevent accidents and make driving safer.

    3. Unless a country is a superpower, it’s not easy to attract the world’s attention. For a small country to get the support of other nations and peoples, it needs something unique, something that’s the best in the world.

      If a country wants to be recognized as a supercomputing power, it’s not enough to have a supercomputer in the top 100. It’s not even enough to have a supercomputer in the top 50. There are nearly 200 countries in the world. If researchers want a supercomputer to solve the most complex and challenging calculations, they don’t want the 50th best supercomputer. They want the best, second best, or maybe the third best.

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    1. Artificial Intelligence, or, put more simply, faster computation speed, is critical for progress in nearly all aspects of human life. This includes drug and vaccine development, agriculture, logistics and transportation systems, national defense, and much more.

      It is also crucial for making our planet greener, at a time when the effects of climate change are ravaging our world. AI will spawn progress in weather and disaster forecasting, reducing industrial emissions, designing fuel-efficient engines, preserving natural habitats, and more.

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    1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are trending topics across media, having captured the imaginations of companies and consumers alike with the promise of how these technologies will revolutionize industries and lifestyles in the near and distant future.

      As many the once-only-imagined projects, like autonomous vehicles, become reality, the coverage has been celebratory and optimistic about how they will benefit society.

      But what is often underreported is the cost that such advancements impact on the world to achieve such results. The proliferation of internet-connected devices and the growing demand for compute-intensive applications require a massive expansion of data center capacity, which will require a massive increase in electricity consumption. Because such costs are absorbed by the huge tech companies leading these initiatives, the public has largely been unconcerned but the environmental impact of AI/ML workloads will be paid by all.

    2. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

      Though most people probably wouldn’t contemplate actually eating an elephant, the prospect of completing such a huge task would certainly be daunting for anybody. That’s why the approach of finishing the job one step at a time is an important consideration when faced with any Herculean task.

      Here at Tachyum, we’ve been readying our Prodigy Universal Processor for quite some time. Our goal of getting it to market later this year is one that we have clearly stated, and we have been working diligently, step by step, to ensure that we accomplish this. The latest steps we have made towards production include the availability of our FPGA emulation prototype for Prodigy and the release of our motherboard emulation for Prodigy. Here’s what these important milestones mean and why they’re important …

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  3. 2021