| |  | We are creating the future now! | Tachyum is enabling human brain-scale AI and advancing the entire world to a greener era, by delivering the world’s first universal processor. | Newsletter | Volume 3, Number 4, October 2023 |
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|  | Dr. Radoslav Danilák, Founder and CEO of Tachyum |
| In the third quarter of 2023, we continued to move closer to tape out of our Prodigy Chip, the world’s first Universal Processor. With new Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools utilized during the physical design phase of Prodigy, our flagship product, we are exceeding our lofty design goals. After the successful change in physical design tools, we were able to increase the Prodigy core count by 50 percent from 128 to 192, and SERDES from 64 to 96 on each chip, die size grew minimally, from 500 mm2 to 600 mm2. Another important milestone that was achieved, is the seamless execution of non-native (x86_64) applications under Linux running on the Prodigy FPGA emulation system. This capability will ensure the availability of a wide range of software applications to customers from day one. On the software side, we completed the porting of all necessary software for chip validation on the Prodigy prototype. We demonstrated the Xen hypervisor running on the FPGA prototype (which allows multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical host system), as well as on a QEMU software emulator, and completed the integration of BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) and UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) platforms into Prodigy. We also added LLVM (set of compilers and toolchain technologies) for AI and Linux Rust support to the Prodigy software ecosystem. From a business perspective, we booked a purchase order from a US company to build a large-scale system, based on our 5nm Prodigy Universal Processor. The system will have 25,000x ChatGPT4 capacity and will be 25x faster than current supercomputers. The unprecedented scale and computational power required as part of this installation simply could not be provided by any chip manufacturer on the market today. While there are startups receiving billions of dollars, based on their promise of achieving similar capabilities sometime in the future, only Tachyum is positioned to deliver the capability to economically build an order-of-magnitude bigger machines that potentially enable the transition to cognitive AI, beginning later this year. This purchase order is a testament to our first-to-market position and our ability to provide a positive impact to worldwide AI markets. Generative AI has become the dominant trend in analytics because of its huge potential. We responded to this trend and released a paper with technical information on how Prodigy can more effectively meet the computation and scale requirements of generative AI. Data center sustainability is another hot topic for the world. We published a white paper explaining how our Prodigy is ideally suited to help overcome increasingly excessive energy use in data centers. Blockchain and cryptocurrency are among the areas that raise legitimate concerns about unsustainable energy consumption. We released a paper explaining how Prodigy can transform transactional banking while minimizing the monetary and environmental costs of blockchain’s electrical energy requirements. |
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| Dr. Danilák Met With Prominent Leaders in New York |
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| New York welcomed world leaders who gathered for the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Two important Slovak events took place in NYC at this time. Radoslav Danilák was a part of the Slovak PRO Summit, which was opened by Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic. Participants discussed how to create opportunities for young and successful people to stay in Slovakia. Tachyum is one of the companies that enables talents to work with the latest advanced technologies that have the potential to change the world. Radoslav Danilák also attended the Gala dinner co-hosted by Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic and Petr Pavel, President of the Czech Republic at the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic and 30 years of the countries’ membership in the UN. | |
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| Tachyum Among Top Silicon Valley Firms at Roundtable With the Indian Government Delegation |
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| Tachyum was among the semiconductor companies selected for a roundtable discussion and separate meetings with the Indian Government Delegation in Silicon Valley. Dr. Danilák spoke with Indian representatives along with top executives from global companies such as Meta, Google, Dell, Intel, Sony, and Amazon AWS. | |
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| Business Development Team Met with Students in Bratislava |
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| Robert Cisár from Tachyum presented at a Private Bilingual Secondary School COBRA in Bratislava, Slovakia, how Slovak-American Tachyum and the world’s first Universal Processor Prodigy can contribute to global digitalisation and the artificial intelligence era. It is important to show young people that even small countries are relevant to the world. | |
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| Tachyum Books Purchase Order to Build System with 25,000x ChatGPT4 Capacity and 25x Faster than Current Supercomputers |
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| Tachyum announced that it has accepted a major purchase order from a US company to build a large-scale system, based on its 5nm Prodigy Universal Processor chip, which delivers more than 50 exaflops performance that will exponentially exceed the computational capabilities of the fastest inference or generative AI supercomputers available anywhere in the world today. | Read more... |
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| Tachyum Runs x86-64 Binaries on Prodigy FPGA as Its Key Milestone |
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| Tachyum announced that it has successfully demonstrated a seamless execution of a non-native (x86_64) application under Linux running on the Prodigy FPGA emulation system. This capability will ensure the availability of a wide range of software applications to customers from day one when the Prodigy Universal Processor becomes generally available next year. | Read more... |
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| Tachyum Adds LLVM for AI and Linux Rust Support |
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| Tachyum announced the expansion of its Prodigy software ecosystem with the addition of LLVM for AI and Linux Rust support. This is the latest addition to an already rich and robust collection of applications, system software, frameworks and libraries running under QEMU emulation and tested by FPGA emulation in advance of Prodigy chip production. | Read more... |
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| Tachyum Offers Its TPU Inference IP to Edge and Embedded Markets |
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| Tachyum is expanding the unique value proposition of its Tachyum Prodigy by offering its Tachyum TPU® (Tachyum Processing Unit) intellectual property as a licensable core, allowing developers to take full advantage of intelligent, datacenter-trained AI when making IoT and Edge devices. | Read more... |
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| Tachyum Achieves 192-Core Chip After Switch to New EDA Tools |
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| Tachyum announced that new EDA tools, utilized during the physical design phase of the Prodigy Universal Processor, have allowed the company to achieve significantly better results with chip specifications than previously anticipated, after the successful change in physical design tools – including an increase in the number of Prodigy cores to 192. | Read more... |
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| Tachyum Demonstrates Support for Xen Hypervisor |
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| Tachyum has completed porting of all the software necessary for chip validation on the Prodigy FPGA prototype before it is sent for tape out with the successful running of the Xen hypervisor on a QEMU software emulator. | Read more... |
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| Tachyum Demonstrated Beta Version of BMC/UEFI on Prodigy FPGA |
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| Tachyum is nearing completion of software packages for customers and OEM/ODM partners on Prodigy, the world’s first Universal Processor. Following porting and demonstrating standalone applications, Tachyum is progressing to full software distribution. It completed integration of BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) and UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) platforms and now it entered beta version. These firmware packages are now functional and integrated into the Prodigy FPGA prototype system. | Read more... |
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| Tachyum Presents Paper on Prodigy Processors in Blockchain for Banking and FinTech |
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| Tachyum released a paper “Credit Unions, Blockchain, CBDC, FinTech and Tachyum Prodigy” explaining how Prodigy, the world’s first Universal Processor, can transform transactional banking while minimizing the monetary and environmental costs of blockchain’s electrical energy requirements. 
“Blockchain and cryptocurrency already raise legitimate concerns about unsustainable energy consumption, but as the technology becomes more widespread in financial services, we’re going to see consumption increase to an alarming level. We cannot possibly build thousands of power plants worldwide to supply electricity for blockchain, so the real solution is greater compute efficiency—in other words, faster processing that is far more energy-efficient—such as Prodigy.” Dr. Radoslav Danilák | Read more... |
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| Tachyum Unveils Path to Sustainable Green Datacenters |
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| Tachyum announced today the release of the white paper, “Tachyum Prodigy – Solution for Data Centers that are Hungry for Energy,” explaining how Prodigy, the world’s first Universal Processor, is ideally suited to help overcome increasingly excessive energy use in data centers. 
“Keeping pace with the energy demands of today’s hyperscale data centers is simply not attainable. Additionally, massive growth from the rapid adoption of AI can only be accomplished by enabling a single hardware platform, like Prodigy, that can handle multiple workloads and avoids the time and energy from separate, custom-built solutions. Those reading the white paper will see that this approach makes the most sense and will become more evident as power demand increases.” Dr. Radoslav Danilák | Read more... |
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| Tachyum FP8 Super-Sparsity Is Showing Path to Efficient Generative AI |
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| Tachyum announced the release of a new research paper to address how Prodigy, the world’s first Universal Processor, will transform the quality, efficiency, and economics of generative AI (GenAI). 
“GenAI is a truly transformational technology, but its value cannot be realized, nor can it be widely adopted, without solving the hardware challenges of running such large models. With Prodigy poised to become the mainstream cost-efficient high performance processor in 2024, these compression approaches, together with hardware support, will enable even small to midsized enterprises and academic users to work with large, dense deep learning models.” Dr. Radoslav Danilák | Read more... |
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| Tachyum Details 4-bit and 2-bit New AI Frontier Formats |
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| Tachyum today released a new white paper on the use of 4-bit Tachyum AI (TAI) format, including 2-bit effective per weight (TAI2) format, end-to-end training techniques with TAI, and inference using TAI. 
“The TAI format is far more powerful and efficient than INT4, and 2-bit per weight is ahead of any other technology of our time for reduced bandwidth and compute requirements. We are seeing the future of AI now, and it’s truly a new frontier, even for large training models and complex image processing.” Dr. Radoslav Danilák | Read more... |
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| |  Nvidia has emerged as the leader in powering the early days of the artificial intelligence revolution, but rivals big and small are looking to close the gap. AMD, startups and cloud companies are looking to tap in to the rise of tools such as ChatGPT… Venture capital investors are also staking billions of dollars on chips, including many geared toward AI, in the hope of making inroads in the burgeoning market. AI chip startups Mythic and Tachyum raised new funding this year, following a couple of heady years of investment…  By using the latest electronic design automation (EDA) tools it has managed to squeeze 50% more cores into its Prodigy processor while increasing die size by only 20%.  The Intel rival, which is based in Slovakia and the US, wants its patented Prodigy processor to run conventional workloads and AI apps using the same chip. This means enterprise customers may ditch the need for dedicated and specialist AI-centric chips from the likes of AMD and Nvidia in addition to running infrastructure fitted with Intel’s x86 CPUs. The result, according to Tachyum, is much lower operating and capital expenditure, alongside better server utilization.  Tachyum’s first chip Prodigy hasn’t even taped out - let alone gone into mass production - but one customer has, we’re told, committed to buying hundreds of thousands of the processors to power a massive 50 exaFLOPS supercomputer. Compared to the largest supercomputers in the US, the machine detailed by Tachyum is much, much larger.  Tachyum is to build a large scale supercomputer based on its 5nm Prodigy Universal Processor chip for a US customer. The Tachyum supercomputer will have over 50 exaFLOP performance, 25 times faster than today’s systems and support AI models potentially 25,000 times larger with access to hundreds of petabytes of DRAM and exabytes of flash-based primary storage.  Tachyum announced that it has accepted a major purchase order from a US company to build a large-scale system, based on its 5nm Prodigy Universal Processor chip, which Tachyum claims will deliver more than 50 exaflops performance.  Tachyum’s prodigy chip: Revolutionizing computing architectures. The Prodigy chip, at the heart of this revolutionary supercomputer, represents a significant milestone in memory, storage, and compute architecture. Designed to cater to the diverse workloads of government, research, academia, business, manufacturing, and more, the Prodigy chip is set to unlock unprecedented capabilities… Earlier this year, Tachyum provided a glimpse of its ambitions by unveiling a supercomputer architecture based on the Prodigy chip, targeting 20 exaflops of computing power. With plans for sampling the chip next year, Tachyum’s vision is steadily becoming a reality.  Spoločnosť Tachyum, ktorá vyvíja univerzálny procesor Prodigy, prijala objednávku na vybudovanie rozsiahleho výpočtového systému. Systém poskytne výkon viac ako 50 exaflopov, čo exponenciálne prevýši výpočtovú kapacitu najrýchlejších superpočítačov pre inferenciu alebo AI.  Spoločnosť Tachyum s vývojovými centrami na Slovensku a v USA vyvíja vysoko výkonný, univerzálny procesorový čip na spracovanie dát, umelú inteligenciu a superpočítače. Ich čip s názvom Prodigy podľa spoločnosti umožní masívny rast umelej inteligencie a podporí celosvetový ekonomický rast.  Spoločnosť Tachyum úspešne demonštrovala, ako aplikácia navrhnutá pre nenatívnu architektúru (x86_64) bez problémov pracuje na operačnom systéme Linux, ktorý beží na FPGA emulovanom čipe Prodigy. Týmto spôsobom firma zabezpečuje, že zákazníci budú schopní využívať široké spektrum softvérových aplikácií od prvého dňa, kedy sa univerzálny procesor Prodigy dostane na trh. | |
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| |  Tachyum® and Tachyum Prodigy®, TPU® are trademarks of Tachyum Ltd, registered in the United States and other countries. All other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. This document is provided for informational purposes only. All statements regarding Tachyum's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice and represent goals and objectives only. © 2019-2025 Tachyum, Inc. All rights reserved. Tachyum, Inc., 8275 South Eastern Ave, Ste 233, Las Vegas, NV 89123, USA Tachyum s.r.o., Karadžičova 14, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, EU | |
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