- | ITEuropa
Tachyum extends chip sales business to CEE region
Tachyum is partnering with M Computers, an IT services provider based in the Czech Republic, to bring its Prodigy high-capacity data processing technology to commercial, industrial and scientific research organisations in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
- | L’ Usine Nouvelle
Le processeur trois-en-un Prodigy accélère le calcul intensif, en modérant sa consommation énergétique
Le processeur Prodigy se démarque par sa polyvalence, en combinant les fonctions d’un CPU, d’un GP-GPU et d’un TPU. Le slovaque, qui en est à l’origine, s’attaquera au marché du calcul intensif l’an prochain.
- | aithority.com
Tachyum Advances System Software To Pre-Production State
“These improvements will allow for quick and seamless integration of technologies into Tachyum-based environments when deployed in data centers. As we near volume production of Prodigy, it is imperative that our software provides the tools supercomputers require to transform the industry.”