In The News


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  1. カレンダー アイコン


    1. | ITEuropa

      Tachyum extends chip sales business to CEE region

      Tachyum is partnering with M Computers, an IT services provider based in the Czech Republic, to bring its Prodigy high-capacity data processing technology to commercial, industrial and scientific research organisations in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

  2. カレンダー アイコン


    1. | L’ Usine Nouvelle

      Le processeur trois-en-un Prodigy accélère le calcul intensif, en modérant sa consommation énergétique

      Le processeur Prodigy se démarque par sa polyvalence, en combinant les fonctions d’un CPU, d’un GP-GPU et d’un TPU. Le slovaque, qui en est à l’origine, s’attaquera au marché du calcul intensif l’an prochain.

  3. カレンダー アイコン


    1. |

      Tachyum Advances System Software To Pre-Production State

      “These improvements will allow for quick and seamless integration of technologies into Tachyum-based environments when deployed in data centers. As we near volume production of Prodigy, it is imperative that our software provides the tools supercomputers require to transform the industry.”

  1. 2025

  2. 2024

  3. 2023

  4. 2022

  5. 2021

  6. 2020

  7. 2019