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Human Brain-Scale AI: Coming Soon

Artificial Intelligence, or, put more simply, faster computation speed, is critical for progress in nearly all aspects of human life. This includes drug and vaccine development, agriculture, logistics and transportation systems, national defense, and much more.

It is also crucial for making our planet greener, at a time when the effects of climate change are ravaging our world. AI will spawn progress in weather and disaster forecasting, reducing industrial emissions, designing fuel-efficient engines, preserving natural habitats, and more.

These AI-based projects will benefit us all. Current supercomputers are somewhat less than super, and have limitations in speed, power consumption, space requirements, costs, access to technology and expertise. Put simply: AI is not for all.

The demand for computational power is unstoppable. AI voraciously consumes processing power, and that translates to electrical power. Energy consumption such as this is unsustainable – and ironic, considering we are trying to save the planet, not tax it further by increasing power demands. We must find another way. Constantly building new power plants to supply electricity to data centers is not the answer.

Worldwide, the competition to reap sustainable AI benefits has heated up, while the EU slept in. EU consumes 30% of world compute power resources, but operates only 5% of world’s compute resources. As much as 84% of data is processed outside the EU, so the actual functional amount of resources consumed by EU is staggering. Even more distressing, this means most AI in the EU today is in the hands of other countries and misaligned with EU interests.

We need to address this situation, for the sake of progress as well as national security. Tachyum’s Prodigy Universal Processor, a general-purpose chip equally adept in commercial and government applications, can help accomplish this and even position the EU as the leader in supercomputing and the data center market.

Tachyum uniquely combined GPU and CPU computational capabilities in Prodigy, resulting in dual-use hardware and unrivaled computational speed and efficiency. How efficient? Prodigy consumes one-tenth the electrical power of today’s chips in equivalent workloads – which in itself is enough to bring AI processing back home to the EU instead of relying on the resources of other nations.

At Tachyum, we have designed our Prodigy chip to be a core building block for the future of cloud and data center IT infrastructures in the EU, to protect the interests of the EU, and to address sustainability goals.

Building the Slovak AI on our platform, with an installation of 64 compute racks, delivers 64 AI ExaFLOPs and 515 DP PetaFLOPs. This far exceeds the standard for simulating the processing power of the human brain (between 1 and 100 ExaFLOPs, an ExaFLOP is 1018, or a billion billion, floating-point operations per second). The cost of building this human brain-scale is 70 million euros.

In contrast, the price tag of Fugaku, the world’s fastest, which began operation in May 2020, delivers 537 DP PetaFLOPs and costs about one billion U.S. dollars, or nearly 850 million euros. This is more than 12 times higher than the Slovak AI.

With the fastest AI in the world, Slovak and the entire EU will move from the back of the race to the front, and a world-leading position.

With its computing capacity, energy efficiency, and cost the Tachyum will democratize AI for all!

And we’re doing it soon: the fully functional Prodigy emulation system is now ready for carefully selected customers to perform early testing and software development.