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Calcolo exascale: una rivoluzione per scienza e tecnologia, ma ad alto impatto ambientale
Intanto, in Slovacchia, il supercomputer progettato da Tachyum sta suscitando grande interesse per le sue potenziali prestazioni rivoluzionarie.
- | 01net
Tachyum Runs x86-64 Binaries on Prodigy FPGA as Its Key Milestone
Tachyum® today announced that it has successfully demonstrated a seamless execution of a non-native (x86_64) application under Linux running on the Prodigy FPGA emulation system.
- | 01net
Tachyum Offers Its TPU Inference IP to Edge and Embedded Markets
With the tremendous growth of the AI chipset market for edge inference, Tachyum is looking to extend its proprietary Tachyum AI data type beyond the datacenter by providing its internationally registered and trademarked IP to outside developers.
- | 01net
Tachyum FP8 Super-Sparsity Is Showing Path to Efficient Generative AI
Tachyum® announced today the release of a new research paper to address how Prodigy®, the world’s first Universal Processor, will transform the quality, efficiency, and economics of generative AI (GenAI).
- | Techbyte
Il processore Prodigy di Tachyum si aggiorna con 192 core
Il processore Prodigy sviluppato da Tachyum ha ricevuto un importante aggiornamento a livello hardware che ha permesso di incrementare l’HPC del 50% grazie al tool EDA. L’Universal Processor, che originariamente doveva avere 128 core, ora offre 64 core aggiuntivi, portando quindi a un totale di 192 core attuali.
- | 01net
Tachyum Unveils Path to Sustainable Green Datacenters
Tachyum’s white paper details how Prodigy delivers disruptive innovation for data centers with unprecedented power efficiency by unifying the CPU, GPGPU and TPU into a single processor die, enabling groundbreaking performance while removing the need for power-hunger, costly accelerators.